Monday, January 09, 2006


Dear Heat,

Hey! Have I told you how much I love you lately? Seriously, I love you. I have missed you so much. Heck, I even flew to Queensland to see you in August.

But - and I want you to know it's a small thing - but I just want you to fuck off at night when I'm trying to sleep. Seriously, I have shit to do during the day that requires me being remotely alert, and I need sleep to do that.

You're sticking around till February, maybe March. This will work a lot better for both of us if you can take it easy at night - and remember, I still love you.

Love, The Student.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I obsessively flip the pillow when I'm too hot at night, desperate to achieve even a modicum of coolness.

Overheat. Flip. Overheat. Flip.

I'm pretty sure that serial killers get their start like that.

11:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i. i.
Now I thought you were going to tell me that there was an official site in order to petition for Pugwall to be put back on the TV. Now the Orange Organics sounds good.
Let me know where it is!!

5:55 PM  

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